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Company Name
Metropolitan Police

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Company Industry
Law Enforcement

Departments Hiring For
Apprenticeships, Graduate

Company Profile

The Metropolitan Police Service, known as the Met, is the UK’s largest police service. 

Founded by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 it is also one of the oldest.  He set the principle of policing by consent – policing is at its best when it recognises that trust and support of communities is fundamental to reducing crime.   

The Met recognises that public trust has been falling and is determined to work hard to rebuild the trust and install confidence across London’s communities.  

That’s why we’re building ‘A New Met for London’ where communities know their local officers, help to shape their policing priorities, and work with them to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour; and when victims call us for help, they’re satisfied with our response. 

We are looking for people that share our values of respect; integrity; empathy and courage, who want to strive to build trust. London’s is one of the most diverse cities in the world and its communities are ever-changing and we want to be more representative of those we serve.  

That’s why we welcome applications from people from all backgrounds who are committed to making a difference to the lives of Londoners every day.

London Job Show