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London District East Teaching School Hub

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Company Profile

London District East Teaching School Hub is one of 87 Teaching School Hubs designated by the Department for Education.

Each Teaching School Hub has a specific geographical area: our Hub has a responsibility to all 238 schools in Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Newham.

Our Vision

  • To provide the highest quality, inclusive, evidence-informed CPD programmes for teachers at every stage of their career.
  • To ensure every pupil, regardless of background, succeeds, by providing local teachers with the training they need.
  • To engage and support all of our schools by offering them responsive, bespoke support that meets their needs.     
  • To create and inspire our school and system leaders of the future.
  • To ensure we all keep getting better.

Our Values

  • We are a collaborative, not-for-profit organisation.
  • We work in partnership with all schools and all local stakeholders to focus on the very best teacher training, leadership development and school to school support.
  • We help schools to retain, grow and nurture great staff, teachers and leaders.
  • We are always evidence informed and know that system-led improvements come through sharing effective, evidence-informed practices.
  • We are inclusive and champion our local school pupils, staff and communities.

Key Performance Indicators

Delivering on the Department for Education’s Golden Thread of evidence-based Continuing Professional Development for all teachers to aid teacher recruitment and retention.

  • Early Career Framework (ECF): We are a delivery Partner for Ambition Institute’s Early Career Teacher Programme.
  • Reformed Specialist and Leadership NPQs: We are a delivery Partner for the Ambition Institute NPQs. In conjunction with local delivery hubs with BDSIPin Barking & Dagenham and LiFE Education Trust and Havering Academy of Leadership in Havering.
  • Initial Teacher Training/SCITT (School-Centred Initial Teacher Training): We are an accredited provider via London District East SCITT. We train 20 – 30 primary trainees per year and up to 10 in secondary shortage subjects, starting in 2022 with Forest Gate Community School in Newham.
  • Appropriate Body Services: We offer Appropriate Body Services alongside BDSIP(Barking & Dagenham), HES (Havering) and NPW (Newham).
  • Other Continuing Professional Development: We work with all local curriculum hubs and our local research school to engage schools with all local offers
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