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Green Apples Career Accelerate Career growth and Create Inclusive Workplaces with Expert Mentorship and DEI Solutions.

We serve underrepresented groups and organisations with mentoring solutions with a personal and social impact.

Our Mission Statement is: “Say NO to Discrimination and YES to your Dream Career”.

We help organisations drive authentic changes in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to retain, motivate and attract talent.

Our mentoring solutions are based on 20 years of insights into creating psychological safety in the workplace.

MISSION Green Apples Career’s mission is to provide the best guidance to achieve equal and equitable opportunities for career progression for underrepresented professionals.

VISION To make the workplace a more inclusive place that creates psychological safety for every employee to feel valued, respected and successful in their jobs.

VALUES Integrity Courage Genuine connection

WHAT MAKES GREEN APPLES CAREER DIFFERENT We offer concrete techniques for tackling workplace discrimination to ongoing accountability to secure the dream career.

We believe that good changes come from within and that success comes when stepping outside the comfort zone.

Our 20 years of insights-led mentorship focuses on Inclusive Mindset, Raising your Voice & Action your Brand.

London Job Show W12